255 research outputs found

    Erratum to: Ancient bacteria of the Ötzi’s microbiome: a genomic tale from the Copper Age

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    Control of Hyalesthes obsoletus nymphs based on chemical weeding and insecticides applied on Urtica dioica

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    Bois noir is a grapevine yellows disease associated with Candidatus Phytoplasma solani and transmitted to grapevines by means of the planthopper Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret (Homoptera, Cixiidae). The overwintering nymphs of the vector acquire the phytoplasma feeding on roots of herbaceous plants, including Urtica dioica L. (stinging nettle). In German and Italian vineyards the possibility to control the H. obsoletus nymphs feeding on stinging nettle roots using chemical weeding and insecticides was investigated. In particular, the effect of herbicides, applied in autumn and in different spring timings, and neonicotinoid insecticides on vector adult emergence was evaluated. Trials conducted to control nettle with glyphosate or a mixture of glyphosate+flazasulfuron significantly reduced the density of emerging adult vectors. The efficacy of herbicides was highest when they were applied in autumn or in early spring with the nymphs not older than the fourth instar. Herbicides applied too close to the beginning of the emergence of adults reduced numbers only during the late part of the planthopper flight-period. Although neonicotinoid insecticides applied in early spring gave efficacy comparable to herbicides, their use is not advisable for the negative side effects on non-target arthropods (e.g. honeybees). Overall, the combination of cultural practices and accurately timed applications of selective herbicides might help to refine the current Integrated Pest Management recommendations for controlling nettle, H. obsoletus and consequently bois noir.

    Extended antidepressant maintenance and discontinuation syndromes

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    Unipolar and bipolar depression are episodic, recurrent illnesses for the majority of patients. Because each episode engenders considerable costs for patients, families, and society, prevention of recurrences has high priority. Numerous studies demonstrate that maintenance antidepressants or mood stabilizing medications are efficacious in preventing recurrences. A review of maintenance studies supports the view that all antidepressants perform significantly better than placebo in preventing recurrences of depression—with the stipulation that full antidepressant doses be employed. Earliest studies, conducted two decades ago, evaluated tricyclics (TCAs), heterocyclics, and lithium, while recent studies have focused on selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Compliance is essential. Strategies for enhancing compliance include selection of medications with reported safety and few side effects, education of patients and families, referral to patient advocacy groups, and use of new technological compliance aids. Preliminary data suggest that SSRIs are better tolerated than TCAs; fewer patients discontinue these agents due to side effects. Selection criteria for maintenance treatment have not been well determined, but three or more prior episodes is recognized as a relatively strong indicator. Other clinical or genetic criteria have also been suggested. For various reasons, patients may discontinue medications, and when this happens withdrawal phenomena may occur. Withdrawal effects are well documented for all antidepressants and can be profound with TCAs. After stopping some SSRIs, a few withdrawal symptoms may have similarities with those following discontinuation of TCAs, but unique “CNS-like” effects are frequently described, including brief recurrent episodes of dizziness, lightheadedness, vertigo, electric shock-like sensations, and gait instability. These appear to be half-life dependent, with agents with shorter half-lives having more discontinuation symptoms. If antidepressant medications must be discontinued, a gradual taper is preferable, perhaps extending three to six months or longer to prevent discontinuation effects, enable adaptation at the receptor level and allow earlier recognition and treatment of recurrent depressive symptoms. Depression and Anxiety, Volume 8, Supplement 1:43–53, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/35217/1/7_ftp.pd

    Strategien zur Regulation der Schwarzfäule (Guignardia bidwellii) im ökologischen Weinbau

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    Die Schwarzfäule tritt in einigen deutschen Weinbaugebieten flächendeckend auf und kann gravierende Ertragsausfälle verursachen. Um die Produktionssicherheit im ökologischen Weinbau zu gewährleisten, wurde ein Kooperationsprojekt mit der Zielsetzung initiiert, Informationen über die Biologie des Schadpilzes zu erarbeiten und Strategien zur Prävention und Bekämpfung der Krankheit unter den spezifischen Bedingungen des ökologischen Weinbaus zu entwickeln. Die Biologie des Schaderregers und seiner Interaktionen mit der Rebe wurde in Hinblick auf die Fruchtkörperentwicklung, die Sporenbildung und den Infektionsprozess eingehend untersucht und in Beziehung zu Witterungsbedingungen und Bewirtschaftungsparametern gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse bilden eine Grundlage für die Einschätzung des Infektionsrisikos und die Entwicklung von Entscheidungshilfen für den Rebschutz. Traditionelle und „pilzwiderstandsfähige“ Rebsorten wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Anfälligkeit für die Schwarzfäule charakterisiert, wodurch den Winzern Informationen für die Auswahl weniger Anfälliger Sorten zum Anbau in Befallsgebieten zur Verfügung stehen. Befallenes Rebholz und befallene Ranken wurden als bedeutende Quellen des Primärinokulums der Schwarzfäule identifiziert. Das Entfernen befallener Blätter bei Laubarbeiten erwies sich als Möglichkeit, das Infektionsrisiko für die Trauben zu reduzieren. Aus einer Vielzahl von Mikroorganismen, Pflanzenextrakten, Pflanzenschutz- und –stärkungsmitteln wurden wirksame Agenzien selektiert und im Freiland unter Praxisbedingungen geprüft. Die Kombination von Pflanzenschutzmitteln auf der Basis von Schwefel und Kupfer war besonders wirksam. Wurde, abhängig vom Entwicklungsstadium und dem Infektionsrisiko, das Kupfer mit Gesteinsmehl ersetzt, ließ sich der Kupferaufwand erheblich reduzieren. Im Gegensatz zu Gewächshausversuchen war die Wirkung saponinhaltiger Pflanzenextrakte im Freiland unzureichend. Bei entsprechender Formulierung zur Verbesserung der Regenfestigkeit könnte das große Potential dieser Pflanzenextrakte jedoch genutzt werden. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts stehen dem ökologischen Weinbau Informationen als Grundlage eines umfassenden Managementkonzepts für die Schwarzfäule zur Verfügung

    Desempenho de consórcios forrageiros de estação fria com espécies leguminosas em diferentes anos de cultivo.

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    A fixação biológica de nitrogênio e os benefícios que podem acarretar desta capacidade atestam a importância do uso de Leguminosas forrageiras na produção animal a pasto. O objetivo foi avaliar a produção de consórcios forrageiros com leguminosas de estação fria no 1° a 3° anos de cultivo. Os tratamentos constituíram os consórcios de aveia preta + azevém com cornichão e trevos. As unidades amostrais foram piquetes de 450 m² pastejados por vacas em lactação. Foram avaliadas a produção de matéria seca total e de lâminas foliares dos consórcios e das leguminosas, acumuladas durante o período experimental. Não foi verificada diferença significativa na produção de matéria seca total e de lâminas foliares dos consórcios, mas é evidente a contribuição do trevo branco na produção de lâminas foliares dos consórcios, especialmente após sua perenização. Foi verificada diferença significativa na produção de matéria seca total e de lâminas foliares das leguminosas nos anos de cultivo, com superioridade para as áreas de 3° ano, o que evidencia a importância do manejo objetivo ao estabelecimento e à perenização destas forrageiras para desempenhos superiores. A produção de matéria seca total e de lâminas foliares das leguminosas é superior no 3° ano de cultivo em relação ao 1° ano e pastagens compostas por trevo branco se destacam pela maior produção de lâminas foliares

    Whole mitochondrial DNA sequencing in Alpine populations and the genetic history of the Neolithic Tyrolean Iceman

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    The Tyrolean Iceman is an extraordinarily well-preserved natural mummy that lived south of the Alpine ridge ~5,200 years before present (ybp), during the Copper Age. Despite studies that have investigated his genetic profile, the relation of the Iceman´s maternal lineage with present-day mitochondrial variation remains elusive. Studies of the Iceman have shown that his mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) belongs to a novel lineage of haplogroup K1 (K1f) not found in extant populations. We analyzed the complete mtDNA sequences of 42 haplogroup K bearing individuals from populations of the Eastern Italian Alps – putatively in genetic continuity with the Tyrolean Iceman—and compared his mitogenome with a large dataset of worldwide K1 sequences. Our results allow a re-definition of the K1 phylogeny and indicate that the K1f haplogroup is absent or rare in present-day populations. We suggest that mtDNA Iceman´s lineage could have disappeared during demographic events starting in Europe from ~5,000 ybp. Based on the comparison of our results with published data, we propose a scenario that could explain the apparent contrast between the phylogeographic features of maternal and paternal lineages of the Tyrolean Iceman within the context of the demographic dynamics happening in Europe from 8,000 ybp.This study was financed by the Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Alto Adige, Ripartizione Diritto allo studio, università e ricerca scientifica, funds to VCS
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